
Has Renesmee been found?

Emma Watson Has a Dig at Twilight

The Harry Potter and Twilight are bot obviously massive, but one person who is no fan of the Robert Pattinson films is Harry Potter actress Emma Watson.

Emma Watson admits it was exciting and awkward when she had to lock lips with her co-star Rupert Grint while shooting the last Harry Potter films because the films aren’t “selling sex” like the Robert Pattinson-starring Twilight movies do.

She explained:

“This kiss between Hermione and Ron is highly anticipated, it’s been building up for eight films now.

“And Harry Potter is not Twilight, you know; we’re not selling sex.

“So, whenever there is any hint of that, everybody gets terribly excited.

“In fact, it was horribly awkward; we couldn’t stop laughing.”

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are E! Online King and Queen of Summer 2010

And then there were two.

In the beginning we presented you with 32 of the summer’s hottest celebrities, 16 men and 16 women, and put the task of crowing a King and a Queen of the hot season in your hands. The votes have been counted and the results are in.
So who in Hollywood truly had the best summer?

Your King and Queen of Summer 2010: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
(Wow. Original, you guys. Really original.)

Now, several factors helped propel each member of this duo into the top spots.

Not only did they kinda come out as a couple this summer via a very grainy photo, they appeared in Eclipse, one of the year’s biggest box-office hits. And they both were filming high profile “next step” movies, Water for Elephants and On the Road.

With those events supporting them, they each did away easily with their compettion to meet at the top.

In the final round, Robert Downey Jr.’s charms proved no match for Rob’s. The veteran actor was sent packing after receiving only 31.3 percent of the vote to Pattinson’s 68.7. Likewise, Kristen ended final challenger Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream domination, grabbing 61.6 percent to Perry’s 38.4.

Here’s to the winners—and everybody else who gave it a shot.

Favorite Robert Pattinson Quotes


[Scene in the for­est when Edward asks Bella, “What do we eat?”]: “Cheese­burg­ers.” -Robert Pat­tin­son(Twi­light commentary)

“I can’t remem­ber who said it, but a soul and a heaven must exist because good peo­ple aren’t rewarded enough on earth.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

‘“I don’t know what ben­e­fits it would be to be talk­ing about it. I mean in log­i­cal terms if you’re walk­ing down the street and every sin­gle stranger on the street knew your busi­ness and came up and felt the need to com­ment on it, you’d be like ‘SHUT UP!’ like, ‘I’m gonna kill you!’ I mean it’s exactly the same men­tal­ity.” - Robert Pattinson

“Up until I was 12 my sis­ters used to dress me up as a girl and intro­duce me as ‘Clau­dia’! Twelve was a real turn­ing point for me as I moved to a mixed school, and then I became cool and dis­cov­ered hair gel.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“Music means free­dom to me. But in act­ing you can pre­tend to be some­one else and I like that.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“When you really love some one and you go to bed with them, you always want to give more than just sex.” –Robert Pattinson

“Recently I stood in the desert, far out side of L. A., and watched the sun set on a cir­cus tent from 1930. Every where stood ani­mals: ele­phants, tigers that should be loaded into a steam train. 300 extras in cos­tumes raced around, the mod­ern world had dis­ap­peared totally. Although that was totally fake, it still hap­pened directly before my eyes! That was my per­fect day. I would be gladly expe­ri­ence that every day. It hap­pens con­tin­u­ally to me: It calls itself work. That is won­der­ful and more than enough.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (When asked what the per­fect day would be for him)

“I learned that if a rela­tion­ship is hon­est, it can last through any­thing despite all the chal­lenges we have to face and every thing that hap­pens around us.” - Robert Pattinson

“You’re life… You’re walk­ing along the street, you step on a lit­tle stone, and it just kind of flies away and you have no idea where it’s going. And then you are just try­ing not to drown after­wards. And that’s my life.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I see love as an evo­lu­tion of true friend­ship.” — Robert Pattinson

“I’m a lucky per­son. Thank God. And I’m con­flicted. Thank God.” –Robert Pattinson

“The only way to estab­lish any kind of mys­tique, is to com­pletely shut up and never talk to any­one. And I’m con­trac­tu­ally oblig­ated not to shut up.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I’m just a tool, I’m just a big, hard tool.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“You can never be known for what you want to be known for. Peo­ple will know you for what­ever they want to know you for.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“As part of the audi­tion, you had to take your shirt off. … Seri­ously, I can tell you right now, if that is part of the con­test, I won’t get it.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“Peo­ple just project their idea of my char­ac­ter on to me and they just seem to assume that I’m the same, when, in real­ity, I’m not,” -Robert Pat­tin­son (Speak­ing of Edward Cullen)

“Never trust a guy who plucks his eye­brows.” -Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

[Scene where Edward shows off his sparkly body]: “I’m sorry, Bella. I’m just like a sweaty guy.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)