
Favorite Robert Pattinson Quotes


[Scene in the for­est when Edward asks Bella, “What do we eat?”]: “Cheese­burg­ers.” -Robert Pat­tin­son(Twi­light commentary)

“I can’t remem­ber who said it, but a soul and a heaven must exist because good peo­ple aren’t rewarded enough on earth.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

‘“I don’t know what ben­e­fits it would be to be talk­ing about it. I mean in log­i­cal terms if you’re walk­ing down the street and every sin­gle stranger on the street knew your busi­ness and came up and felt the need to com­ment on it, you’d be like ‘SHUT UP!’ like, ‘I’m gonna kill you!’ I mean it’s exactly the same men­tal­ity.” - Robert Pattinson

“Up until I was 12 my sis­ters used to dress me up as a girl and intro­duce me as ‘Clau­dia’! Twelve was a real turn­ing point for me as I moved to a mixed school, and then I became cool and dis­cov­ered hair gel.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“Music means free­dom to me. But in act­ing you can pre­tend to be some­one else and I like that.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“When you really love some one and you go to bed with them, you always want to give more than just sex.” –Robert Pattinson

“Recently I stood in the desert, far out side of L. A., and watched the sun set on a cir­cus tent from 1930. Every where stood ani­mals: ele­phants, tigers that should be loaded into a steam train. 300 extras in cos­tumes raced around, the mod­ern world had dis­ap­peared totally. Although that was totally fake, it still hap­pened directly before my eyes! That was my per­fect day. I would be gladly expe­ri­ence that every day. It hap­pens con­tin­u­ally to me: It calls itself work. That is won­der­ful and more than enough.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (When asked what the per­fect day would be for him)

“I learned that if a rela­tion­ship is hon­est, it can last through any­thing despite all the chal­lenges we have to face and every thing that hap­pens around us.” - Robert Pattinson

“You’re life… You’re walk­ing along the street, you step on a lit­tle stone, and it just kind of flies away and you have no idea where it’s going. And then you are just try­ing not to drown after­wards. And that’s my life.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I see love as an evo­lu­tion of true friend­ship.” — Robert Pattinson

“I’m a lucky per­son. Thank God. And I’m con­flicted. Thank God.” –Robert Pattinson

“The only way to estab­lish any kind of mys­tique, is to com­pletely shut up and never talk to any­one. And I’m con­trac­tu­ally oblig­ated not to shut up.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I’m just a tool, I’m just a big, hard tool.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“You can never be known for what you want to be known for. Peo­ple will know you for what­ever they want to know you for.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“As part of the audi­tion, you had to take your shirt off. … Seri­ously, I can tell you right now, if that is part of the con­test, I won’t get it.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“Peo­ple just project their idea of my char­ac­ter on to me and they just seem to assume that I’m the same, when, in real­ity, I’m not,” -Robert Pat­tin­son (Speak­ing of Edward Cullen)

“Never trust a guy who plucks his eye­brows.” -Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

[Scene where Edward shows off his sparkly body]: “I’m sorry, Bella. I’m just like a sweaty guy.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

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